i am †††

Martin Lam為香港著名攝影師。葉青霖(今 常霖法師)首位入室徒弟,葉青霖教學團隊(Alain Yip Photography Tutors, AYPT)的首席導師。


藝術領域上,Martin以凋謝的花和人形(Super Dollfie)來探求「完美地不完美的一期一會」和「雖近尤遠的永恆美」。

Iconic professional photographer based in Hong Kong, Martin Lam is the first protégé of Alain Yip (now as Rev. ChangLin) and the principle tutor of Alain Yip Photography Tutors, AYPT.

Commercially specialise in portrait, Martin on the other hand pro-actively promoting photography education. Has been presented in near hundred of seminars, workshops and exhibition since he started teaching photography in 2006.

As a personal art expression, Martin explores the “perfect imperfection of once in a lifetime beauty” and the “so close, yet still far from eternity” through shooting fading flowers and Super Dollfie.

† sincere thanks to all photographers who contributed to the photos on this page †